Friday, August 7, 2009

A Vase


carelessly fall from your lips

they land

on my heart

in pieces

But some....

Some I hold in my hand

caressing the petals with unfeeling fingers

not knowing if they are real,

I pull them

one by one.

I inhale deeply their sweet scent.

A seduction of life anew

drifts passed my haunted memories

making even those smell sweet.

you love me

you love me not

until nothing

is left

but stamen and pistil

as another spoken word like a flower picked,

dances on your bottom lip


to curl it's sweet scent around my neck

like a noose it chokes out


until I can't hear anything

more than

a bouquet of

"I love you"

that fills me

fragile, hollow.

A vase,

wishing it were soil

to nourish

what you said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Words spoken to you, for you, with you and from you. Like the lyrics of a song you cannot recall unless you sing them, these words spoken are only for your ears, none other can ever hear. These are words given to us from from the Lord.